Wish them happy birthday deliciously with this collection of snacks.
They can stack up savory bites with Farmhouse Summer Sausage, Sharp Cheddar Blend, Jalapeño Cheddar Blend, Mission Jack Blend, Sweet Hot Mustard, and Golden Toasted and Olive Oil & Rosemary Crackers.
Cherry Sours, Confetti Cake Bites, and the special Happy Birthday Ribbon finish this gift off beautifully.
(2) 7 oz Farmhouse Summer Sausage, 4 oz Sharp Cheddar Blend, 4 oz Jalapeño Cheddar Blend, 4 oz Mission Jack Blend, 2.25 Sweet Hot Mustard, 1.5 oz Golden Toasted Crackers, 1.5 oz Olive Oil & Rosemary Crackers, 3 oz Cherry Sours, 3 oz Confetti Cake Bites